Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Change is Coming: LGBT Welcoming Church Report

I am often invited to speak about my experiences as a lesbian Christian, a minister (and a BAPTIST to top it all off). Sometimes I share about the coming out journey, about reconciling the "Bible" and my journey, or the spiritual journey in general. As an ordained minister and spiritual life coach, I support people of all walks of life who are shifting their core energy (Spirit) from fear and victimhood to a confident, open-hearted, risk-taking spirituality. For me, that's the essence of Jesus' gospel. It's what I hold on to as a self-proclaimed (liberal) evangelical.

I've noticed that in recent years the phrase "I'm a child of the welcoming church" is often on my lips. By that, I've come to mean that I am profoundly aware and deeply grateful that I found a welcoming church at the beginning of my adult journey. At the age of 21, my partner and I discovered Grace Baptist Church while we were seniors at Taylor University. From 1990-2007 I was a member, and later pastor, at Grace. My Master of Divinity is from an extremely LGBT+ seminary, Chicago Theological Seminary. Certainly, some coming out experiences have been challenging. Being surrounded by love, respect, encouragement and openness my entire adult life has taught me a great deal about living well with God, self and others.

Some might say I was privileged to experience such resources. I'll simply say I am grateful and do not take it for granted. And, that I know firsthand that experiencing such a community was a matter of life and death in 1990. Growing and serving in grace created, well, what the hymn calls "how firm a foundation" for my adult journey of transformation, risk and vulnerability. It continues as I'm nourished at Lake Street Church in Evanston.

My life and ministry arise still from the deep well of gratitude and devotion for finding grace at Grace. My years there instilled a deep calling to support those seeking God "outside-the-box." Through coaching, I empower those who truly want to live out their faith, even as it is challenged and changing. (I believe that's what it means to have a LIVING faith!) Many clients are looking for short-term coaching on coming out issues, faith transitions, forgiveness, stress management or other wellness issues. They want to connect their core values with the choices they make in a complicated, demanding world. (Sometimes that means reevaluating old beliefs, habits or relationships and letting them go. My own journey has taught me how important it is to face today and tomorrow without the need to judge ourselves or others for past limitations.) Attendees of local and teleclass events seek study and community as they explore "living well" AND the Living Well that nourishes their hope.

This "child of the welcoming church" -- so grateful and humbled by its gifts -- seeks new ways to pay it (Good News) forward! The post below from the Galip Foundation will link those interested to their latest directory of welcoming churches and ministries across the globe. Pass on the word... Change is coming!

2008 Welcoming Church Report (from Galip Foundation):

It is my pleasure to announce that the 2008 Welcoming Christian Church Survey Report is out! Comparing the numbers to the previous year it is clear that churches continue to open their doors to the GLBT community at a rapid clip. Like the gay community itself, this movement crosses virtually all denominational and geographically based lines. At the close of 2008 the directory contained 5,301 Christian churches from thirty different countries, representing sixty five different denominations. The United Church of Christ leads the way with over 865 churches followed by the Episcopalian churches, Lutheran and Presbyterian churches respectively. To find out more including details as to where this growth is taking place by denomination and geographical location, along with a brief analysis as to where this movement may be headed next the report is a must read. The 2008 Welcoming Christian Church Survey Report along with the other yearly reports can be found in the section of the www.gaychurch.org titled “Welcoming Church Report”.

And, finally, a disclaimer. I like the diligent work Galip does in connecting ministries, but personally find their language (ex. gay and lesbian) limiting and exclusive.

Monday, January 26, 2009

A Humble AND STRONG President?

Good News this week... a thoughtful, assertive, humble President is in the office. Let us commit to following this example in our personal lives and community agendas!

"My job is to communicate to the American people that the Muslim world is filled with extraordinary people who simply want to live their lives and see their children live better lives," Obama said in an interview this week. "My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy. We sometimes make mistakes. We have not been perfect." -- President Obama

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Discernment in the New Year

I'm grateful for the opportunity to facilitate a women in ministry covenant group this year through the Ministers Council of the American Baptist Churches-USA. Our theme is "Prayerful Living: Ministers Practicing the Serenity Prayer Together." In our gathering retreat, we shared initial reflections on serenity, courage and wisdom (and our feelings about the Serenity Prayer's uses and misuses).

This quote from Thomas Keating has been on my mind all week as I've prayed for my sisters and our time together this year:

"Discernment is letting go of what you are not."

More later on these related themes: discernment, honesty, letting go, acceptance of not being everything to everyone...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Transition from Empire to Global Earth Community

Living Well. This means living well with God, self, and others. Wellness defined? Thriving, changing, connecting, grounding, repenting, resting and more. A delicate process of responsibility and Divine gift. An experience of our Source: the living well of God's unconditional love.

The following text is the most inspiring thing I've heard all week (and I've been pretty wrapped up in the archetypal inspiration of pre-inauguration festivities!) Why does it make the "living well collage"? Maybe it touches my spirit because my recent reintroductions to permaculture feel guided by a divine hand. "Local, small scale cultivation of mutually beneficial relationships" (and following designs and lessons of Nature's associational principles) just FEELS right to this unempiring Baptist. Or maybe Common Circle Education catches my eye with Jordan's "take action' quote. At any rate, in 2009 and beyond I am exploring permaculture, both literally and in design application of Living Well Ministries programs. Interested? Come along for the ride!

"We are the ones we have been waiting for" --June Jordan

... As we continue to plant new seeds towards a thriving global community, we are proud to announce our new program -- Action for A Healthy Planet is a hands-on workshop series (no biking) grounded in permaculture design, intentional community building designed to give participants the tools we need to facilitate the transition from empire to a global earth community.

Community, Re-Localization & Organics Retreat (July 5-11, Oregon) will be a holistic week focused on eco-village (intentional community) design, jump-starting localization of economies and education, as well as basic skills in growing your own food and much more -- all the practical tools communities will need as we transition to a sustainable, global community. We will gather at an internationally renowned organic farm in Corvallis, Oregon, and spend a week together living as an impromptu service community. Each day will combine a rigorous schedule of workshops and hands-on service projects on the farm, followed by field trips (vehicle shuttle) to intentional communities, cooperatives and other sustainable businesses. This course is currently deeply discounted through February 15th. Space is VERY limited so sign up early (and save money!)

Permaculture, Green Building & Intentional Community Design Course (July 18-25, July 25-August 2nd, Oregon) offers an incredible opportunity to have fun and get your hands dirty while learning how to create sustainable communities and thriving local economies through permaculture - a set of sustainable design principles that are applicable to every human system: businesses, communities, cities as well as personal relationships. Permaculture is an integrated set of principles and methods for designing, setting up and running sustainable human systems. But that rather technical definition doesn't quite describe the soul of permaculture, which could be said to be the art of respecting nature and working with it to cultivate land, plants, animals and people by fostering mutually beneficial relationships between them. The course will follow Bill Mollison's 72-hour permaculture curriculum and participants who attend both weeks will gain the prestigious Permaculture Design Certificate.

This course is currently deeply discounted through February 15th. Space is VERY limited so sign up early (and save money!)

All our workshops are grounded in community-building - we will gather and live together for the duration of each course, share meals and all the precious moments that make communities happen. All courses include healthy, filling, organic (and vegan) meals and some camping equipment. We hope you will join us this summer!- Vladislav and the Common Circle Education Team


Saturday, January 10, 2009

I Am A New Person

This is dedicated to my brave friend JP:

In this new year I am a new person. And I shall change my consciousness again and again until I have driven away all the darkness of ignorance and manifested the shining light of Spirit in whose image I am made.

-- Paramahansa Yogananda

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Life and the Church of the Lord

My reading this week includes revisiting Wilson Van Dusen's book, The Country of Spirit: Selected Writings. This book presents a "depthful view of Emmanuel Swedenborg and spiritual practices" by a renowned author and mystic. I'm mindful that the World Council of Churches calls us to celebrate a Week of Prayer for Christian Unity later this month (Jan. 18-25, 2009). Here's a quote from Swedenborg's Arcana Coelestia (8152) which touches what I've come to believe about the true Body of Christ (more on my journey in a future post). I've gender-inclusified it.

It is plain that the church of the Lord is not here, nor there, but that it is everywhere, both within those kingdoms where the church is, and outside of them, where people live according to the precepts of charity. Hence it is that the church of the Lord is scattered through the whole world, and yet it is one. For when Life makes the church (and not doctrine separate from Life), then the church is One; but when doctrine makes the church, then there are many.

I'm intensely grateful for my new home church -- the Lake Street Church of Evanston, Illinois, and for all it does to support a Christian faith which is in this spirit. Later this winter I'll be doing some blogging on the kind of battle scars that I and others carry from many years invested in the doctrine battles of the divided church.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Things That Have Never Been...

"And now let us welcome the New Year -- Full of things that have never been."

-- Rainer Maria Rilke

My fellow coach Melissa sent this quote today. I pray that "things that have never been" work in you all the accomplishment, growth and healing that is your potential at this moment in your life. Philippians 1:6 comes to my mind, for those who might be moved by a Christian witness:

I am confident of this, that the One who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.

Life Coaching and Your Personal Epiphany

A Personal Affirmation for Epiphany

I am clearing out old confusion and doubt so that I can see the miracles today and participate in the recovery of the universe.

As you dare to see that you have been ruled by old programming, know that new truths and positive, healthy thoughts are taking its place! Know that you are in the process of moving forward, and while doing so you are helping others in this universe to move forward too. Miracles begin to happen when we sit still and begin to look within. Let those miracles be there for you today!

The above meditation was adapted from Peace in Our Hearts, Peace in the World: Meditations of Hope and Healing, by Ruth Fishel (Sterling, 2007). I received it from Beliefnet.com, a wonderful site to check out if you don't know about it.

It strikes me that "clearing old confusion and doubt so that I can see..." is EXACTLY what life coaching is about. I coach people who find themselves in a wide variety of challenging times; together we embrace new, positive truths that support lives of faith, intention and service. Do you have a gap between intention and reality? Do you find yourself experiencing roadblocks you need help to move past? Do you have a challenging dilemma for which you need support in living your values?

Call or email me today to explore whether I might be able to help. We'll put our full attention on your desires, values and potential for 3-6 months. If we're not a good match, I'll help you find someone else who can best support you.

Make 2009 a year of miracles for you and all those you love!

For Good News,


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I Behold the Christ in You

Happy Epiphany!

I give thanks today for the example of the magi, and will be reflecting on and off-line this week about their lessons for my life.

I also give thanks for this hymn, which I learned from the Unity hymnal and used on a number of special occasions while I pastored Grace Baptist Church in Chicago (2000-2007). It's based on a poem by Frank B. Whitney. I think it gives us a deeper message about living the life Christ lived (and not just standing around adoring him!) It's my prayer that I can continue "beholding" as he did, and that our work together in the programs of Living Well Ministries will help you and others to do so as well.

I Behold the Christ in You

I behold the Christ in you,
Here the life of God I see;
I can see a great peace too,
I can see you whole and free.

I behold the Christ in you,
I can see this as you walk;
I see this in all you do,
I can see this as you talk.

I behold God's love expressed,
I can see you filled with power;
I can see you ever blessed,
I see Christ in you hour by hour.

I behold the Christ in you,
I can see that perfect one;
Led by God in all you do,
I can see God's work is done.

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Stars in a New Year

I found this delightful poem in the Christian Science Monitor last week. I wish I'd seen it in early December, but it captures my mood - longing and resolve - yet today. Such gems are never really too late... so, Happy December AND Happy New Year!

December's voice
beats against my window
demands my attention

this insistent voice
shouts and strains
in the winter darkness:

something about wonder
that flutters into my
ice-shuttered world

something about hope
that asks me to perceive
a glow beyond the gloom

something about light
that shines on ravens' wings
and midnight snow

something about joy
that joins me
as I stoke the fire

this old familiar voice
asks me to carve new stars
in a lackluster sky

and bids me listen
for a baby's new-life cry
in my weary heart.

December, you
deceive me:
you are not the
of the year. You are the

-- Maril Crabtree
published in the The Christian Science Monitor, December 22, 2008

Busy AND Rested in the New Year?

These excerpts are from the devotional column of the Christian Science Monitor, December 18, 2008 (gender-inclusive language mine).

... By the beginning of January, people are often longing for rest. But the calendar doesn't have to change before this yearning is satisfied. It's possible to be very busy and yet feel peaceful and rested. And it's a matter of thought.

..."tireless Being" is a name Mary Baker Eddy used to describe God in a sermon... This tireless Being is the source of all activity, energy, and provision. Christ Jesus drew on this spiritual source while he carried out his mission, and so can we in our daily lives...

It's very probable that Jesus had a different definition of activity from what is generally held. Maybe doing was for him not so much about exertion as it was a keen awareness of the might, power, and ability of the Divine, with whom he was well acquainted. Maybe accomplishment was more a matter of yielding to God's direction, control and heavenly impetus, rather than personal productivity and the push that's so often associated with it. Through more selfless prayer, it's possible to attain a more spiritual sense that God is the animator, the doer, and that God's creation reflects this ability. This can make what may be considered too hard, taxing or tiring work something quite different.

... it's possible for us to look in a more Christly way at to-do lists...

The column goes on with some helpful ideas to make this practical. What comes to mind for you? I pray this refreshing message will take root for you in whatever way you need!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Starting Over...

Thanks to Beliefnet for this inspiring "Quote of the Day." Happy New Year!

Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over.-F. Scott Fitzgerald