Monday, January 5, 2009

Busy AND Rested in the New Year?

These excerpts are from the devotional column of the Christian Science Monitor, December 18, 2008 (gender-inclusive language mine).

... By the beginning of January, people are often longing for rest. But the calendar doesn't have to change before this yearning is satisfied. It's possible to be very busy and yet feel peaceful and rested. And it's a matter of thought.

..."tireless Being" is a name Mary Baker Eddy used to describe God in a sermon... This tireless Being is the source of all activity, energy, and provision. Christ Jesus drew on this spiritual source while he carried out his mission, and so can we in our daily lives...

It's very probable that Jesus had a different definition of activity from what is generally held. Maybe doing was for him not so much about exertion as it was a keen awareness of the might, power, and ability of the Divine, with whom he was well acquainted. Maybe accomplishment was more a matter of yielding to God's direction, control and heavenly impetus, rather than personal productivity and the push that's so often associated with it. Through more selfless prayer, it's possible to attain a more spiritual sense that God is the animator, the doer, and that God's creation reflects this ability. This can make what may be considered too hard, taxing or tiring work something quite different.

... it's possible for us to look in a more Christly way at to-do lists...

The column goes on with some helpful ideas to make this practical. What comes to mind for you? I pray this refreshing message will take root for you in whatever way you need!


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