Sunday, November 30, 2008

Advent Hymn for Hope

I'm feeling connected to our faith ancestors this advent...

We sang this beautiful hymn this morning at Lake Street Church on the first Sunday in Advent. Sometimes I think I'm a rare bird in my generation, with such a love of hymns. (I love NEW music, too, and happen think the church and world need us to write new music and lyrics). This morning, I appreciated all the music that has abided for generations. We lit the advent candle of hope. I'm grateful for the hope which has seen our foremothers and fathers through; their testimonies and accomplishments nourish my own.

All my hope on God is founded;
God doth still my trust renew,
me through change and chance does guideth,
only good and only true.
God unknown, God alone calls my heart to be her own.

Pride of man and earthly glory,
sword and crown betray our trust;
what with care and toil we buildeth,
tower and temple fall to dust.
But God's power,hour by hour,
is my temple and my tower.

God's great goodness aye endureth,
deep Her wisdom, passing thought:
splendor, light and life attend Her,
beauty springeth out of naught.
from Her store
newborn worlds rise and adore.

Daily doth the almighty Giver
bounteous gifts on us bestow;
Her desire our soul delighteth,
pleasure leads us where we go.
Love doth stand at Her hand;
joy doth wait on Her command.

Still from us to God eternal
sacrifice of praise be done,
high above all praises praising
for the gift of Christ, Her Son.
Christ doth call one and all:
ye who follow shall not fall.

Words: Robert Bridges (1844-1930);based on the German on Joachim Neander (1650-1680);
inclusive language edits mine.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Advent 2008 - A New Day at the Well

For a few months, I've been anticipating this Advent. For all the reasons I normally do -- nostalgia, ritual, justice, community, and my own solitary walk with the Christ Child. And, because I've entrusted my own creative stirrings for writing and dialogue on this new blog to the rhythm of this transcendent liturgical calender. "I'll start writing (and compiling) in Advent..." That's what I've been saying, and the fullness of time has come!

Observance of Advent brings forth many yearnings and dreams and practices in Christian communities. In the coming days, I'll construct my second annual home advent wreath, and circle my attentions around the lights of hope-love-peace-joy that unite me to loved ones across time and space. I'll share here a reading and praying discipline of mine in recent years: to immerse myself in the Hebrew Bible, apocrypha and contemporary Jewish authors as I prepare for advent and Christmas. I'll bear witness to signs of hope in this world of despair, evidence of Immanuel in the midst of empire. I'll return with anticipation to learn of your own discoveries and questions. I'll share some of the Word-made-flesh that has etched itself in this life I live and strive to share. Yes, Advent still seems like a good time for this particular new birth...

"Living well" means nurturing our lives of faith, intention and service. For that, we need the wisdom of (and about) our faith traditions; we need the wisdom of the Living One who teaches us to faithfully give ourselves to and for Good News today; we need the wisdom of communities which shape us and call out our gifts in service to our brothers and sisters. Thank you in advance for what you will bring in December 2008 and beyond to this forum of Living Well Ministries.

As this year's Advent commences, I look forward to sharing some of the life-giving inspiration in my pre-advent reading this Fall. I've journeyed thus far with Daniel, Sirach and a wonderful book by Rabbi Irwin Kula entitled Yearnings: Embracing the Sacred Messiness of Life.

More on that on Monday!

For Peace and Good News,

Rev. Jacki Belile